Friday, February 20, 2009


For those of you who have known James his whole life, you may know that Chris and I were able to snap one of our favorite photos of James during his first bath at two weeks old. I had never seen a child that young with a smile so big. Whose heart wouldnt be melted by the deep dimple and those big blue eyes? WAIT! Did I mention the mohawk? Well, the other night we decided we would try out the mohawk again... just for ol times sake and daggone it if we didnt snap another one of my favorites. Thank you Lord for this little guy! Boy, is he a blessing!


  1. What sweet have to frame them and put them in the bathroom...LOVE them!

  2. I love that 2 week old pic.. I would have never guessed he was that young...!!! Make sure you get one of these every year.... are at least until he won't let you do it anymore... Isn't it time for him to get a red headed little sister.....! :)

  3. Yay!! I'm so glad you've started blogging. Now I can keep up with that sweet boy. Hope you're doing great :)

  4. Dawn-
    God willing he will have some siblings one day... pray for us! Maybe one day we will have a house full of babies like you guys ;o) Maybe not all redheads though... that might be too much fiesty!
